Sunday, March 1, 2009


I've been thinking a lot lately of what I am leaving behind. I know that may sound a little morbid - but it's been on my mind. I know there are some changes I would like to make so my legacy is really what I want it to be... but all in all - I think I'm doing 'ok'. I was discussing with Don the other day the content of obituaries, and have decided that when I die - I would like my obituary to be something other than all the organizations I belonged to, the service I gave, blah blah blah blah blah.... who really cares anyway?! What could be said that would be of value to ANYONE who might stumble across the last thing written about me? I decided I would like my obituary to be my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Don told me I should write it now and put it someplace safe. Something else to add to my 'to do' list!

I feel too that I am leaving behind a wonderful legacy with my daughters and their future families. They are great individuals with so many talents and such strong testimonies. Their families will be strong. They will be incredible mothers and wives, with much to offer to their families and their community. I am proud to the be the mother of Amanda and Millie.

Is there more? I hope so! I'll have to ponder on that and write more later!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget your "adopted daughter" that has called you Mom for years :) You are wonderful!!
