Thursday, May 17, 2012

Think Positive Thoughts

Won't you join me?  I just registered myself on - here - so that I can be more aware of my positive thoughts.  It's so easy to let ourselves get caught up in the negatives that are around us - and believe me - there are many.  I don't know about you - but when I focus too much on the negative things - I tend to get grumpy.  I get quiet.  I withdraw.  I'm not a very fun person to be around.  So I decided that it's time to turn things around,  FLIP the switch and start thinking about positive things.  They suggest you have a 'clicker' to easily keep track of those awesome, positive thoughts.  I haven't bought mine yet - so I'm just trying to be more aware.  Tomorrow I'll buy my clicker!  --- click --- !  If you decide to join with me in this experiment and see if it makes a difference in your life, let me know.  Also - be sure to visit the website for billionclicks - there are a lot of encouraging resources available.  --- click ---! 

I had lunch with a friend today!  ---click---  I'm done with work for the summer!  woot-woot!  ---click---  I'm going to dinner with a group of 'old' friends tonight!  ---click---   and...I'm getting together with some more friends for book club and more food later tonight!  ---click-click---.   See how easy it is!

Hugs to you - make it a happy day!

1 comment:

  1. Muy interesante esta entrada. ¿Como continuo el proceso? Me gustaría mucho saber si le sirvió y si continúa utilizando. Saludos.
