I was perusing some of my favorite blogs the other day and saw a picture that just made my heart happy. I don't know if it was the different colors that had been used, or the fact that my scriptures are beginning to look a little like this and I had just never thought of doing this with my conference edition of the Ensign - but I almost got giddy!
See what I mean? Looking at this Ensign just makes me happy! I'm thinking a lot of personal revelation is happening with this kind of study of the talks from our prophets and apostles. I don't know about you - but I could use some personal revelation right now. There is something weighing heavy on my heart and I can't resolve it on my own. I need some help.
If you would like to feel the peace that comes from listening to modern-day prophets and apostles, I invite you to listen to the General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints this weekend. Saturday and Sunday. You can find the link here: and check on General Conference. You can stream it on your computer, you can listen, or you can print off written transcripts of the talks that are given.
I found this wonderful picture here: and I think you should check it out. You can download printables to help you study and take notes while conference is happening. I think I'll just wait for my Ensign to come and will mark it up with pretty colors. I may buy my markers tonight when I go shopping. Thank you 'Simple Inspiration' blog.....I love your Ensign!
And - if you want to make Conference a time of celebration - check out this blog post from Emily Freeman found here. I'll give you a hint: it involves candy! I'm all in!
Have a great week and a fabulous weekend.
I hope your heavy heart finds the answers and peace needed. Conference is one of my favorite weekends. Thank you again for your kindness.