Sunday, October 13, 2013

Midwest Neurosuergery Associates

Many, many years ago, while trick-or-treating with our daughters, I walked onto the porch of a hopeful looking house with my daughters.  As they knocked on the door - I leaned back against the rail.  The next thing I knew, the rail and myself were in the bushes below.  It wasn't securely attached to the cement porch.  Since then, I've struggled with my neck and my lower back.  I have a ruptured disc way low and my neck has developed bone spurs and other fun things that I don't know what it means when I read the report!  But.....with symptoms I've been having I had a follow up MRI last week.  The results were sent to my neurosurgeon's office that I had a consult with 2 1/2 years ago.

I was calling to set up an appointment the day I received a call from their office.  It was the head doctor's nurse.  He had reviewed my film and the reports and compared them to what I'd had done 2 1/2 years ago and didn't see that there was a need for surgery at this time.  That was a relief.  The neck surgery especially scares me, more than just a little.

This is not a group that pushes surgery.  They don't do it just because it can be done.  Dr. Chilton and Dr. Blatt have both explained to Don and I: "When we do surgery, you are never the same.  You might feel better and have relief from your symptoms, but you will never be the same because we have to go in and cut muscle, and scrape, and move things around and possibly use metal cages and such.  It's better to keep all of you as it is for as long as you can.  When the surgery is truly needed, or if you want it regardless of what we've just told you - we'll do it."

I appreciate that attitude.  And by the way - this group has done two surgeries on Don.  Both have been extremely successful.  We would recommend them.

So - if you think you might need back or neck or head surgery - and you live in the Kansas City Area, I invite you to check out this practice:  Midwest Neurosurgery Associates

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