- My husband was told he was being put on probation at work for something he didn't do and may lose his job.
- I was told that I would need to do something with my job that causes me anxiety.
- The school I worked at last year closed and a new school opened. More than double the number of students and staff. Add in behavior and special ed class rooms. Starting the school with no behavior plan and a gym not done - just to name a few things - and you end up with a whole lot of crazy!
- My husband had major surgery on his cervical spine.
- I'm having increased problems with my back.
- We have family members who are struggling with extreme health conditions.
- A daughter had a baby and moved and we went to help.
- Another daughter and her family moved and we couldn't be there to help.
- My church calling (Stake RS President) takes me away from my home ward most Sundays. We recently had boundary changes and lots of people moving in and out. The short of that is this: when I am able to make it to my own ward - I don't feel a connection there any more. I've been away for the most part for 5 1/2 years now.
- And so on and so forth.
I am trying to focus more on my Savior, on the blessings he has given so abundantly to our family and the moments when He has whispered Peace to my heart. I am allowing myself to be in the scriptures more. I am saying no to things that are not necessary right now. I am focusing on our family.
I had my anxiety medication prescription renewed and am being vigilant in taking it on a scheduled basis rather than just PRN as I did for so long.
This is just the beginning. I have much to do. I am a worrier. I am a fixer. And I need to learn to let most of that go.
The Savior has born all of these feelings of mine. And because of that, He alone knows how to succor me and strengthen me. It is upon Him, my Rock, that I will lean and trust. I feel that I will move forward, and that things will be better than I could have ever imagined. But for now, I am striving to slow down a bit - enjoy my blessings - and Let Go & Let God.
I think you should know that you are a mom I admire. You seem to have a great personal balance. Your girls are successful and well adjusted adults and wonderful people. My mom is not really in my life so I appreciate seeing you in action. Anxiety happens and the fact that you are working on it is another great example. I'm sorry you are struggling. I hope your path becomes clear soon. :)