Sunday, August 1, 2021



When I worked at an elementary school, the PE teacher had a word on each of the four walls of the gym...


When she would teach a new skill to the children (like how to dribble a basketball), she would often hear: "I can't do that."

She would respond with: "Yet.  You don't know how to do it yet."

She would explain why dribbling is an important skill to learn if you want to play basketball.

She would demonstrate the skill.

Everyone would be given a ball and a chance to practice.  Some would pick it right up, others needed a little one-on-one time with the teacher.

They would dribble standing in place.

They would practice walking while they dribbled.

Pretty soon they were running back and forth across the gym - dribbling!

Doing the thing they didn't think they could do.

Don't you think each one of us is like those children?  

When we are asked by our Heavenly Father, or our doctor, or someone we trust to do a 'thing'....  

...Maybe it's to pay tithing.  Or to listen better to those we love.  Or to be more focused on studying the example of Christ.  Or to go all in on learning how to decorate cakes!

Maybe it's to eat better, be in better shape, lose some weight.

It's so easy to say: "I can't do that."

We need to remember that small steps and lots of practice will help us accomplish those things that we don't think we can do.  

If a seven year old can learn to be darn good at dribbling a basketball, what might you be able to accomplish?!  It might not be yet, but with practice - it will be amazing!

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