Thank you Taylor Swift for giving words to the feelings in my heart. We were able to be in Logan for Millie's graduation from Utah State University. Our youngest - all grown up! Well kind of! We were able to spend 8 glorious days with family and friends in Cache Valley. I don't know if it's being surrounded by family, being nestled in the valleys of the mountains or what - but my heart almost sings when we are 'home'. Spending time with our daughters is the BEST of the best! And we don't have to do anything spectacular, just be together. We played a fun new game: Farkel. It's a dice game and we played it several times while there. Sometimes just three of us - sometimes around a table with lots of cousins. We visited Bob and Linda Gunnell and I loved the location of their new home. I would love a place next door. They would be great neighbors and the view is spectacular! You don't find mountains like that in Missouri!
We would be back in Missouri for Mother's Day - but Friday was a 'girls day'. We shopped, we ate frozen yogurt, we got pedicures and Amanda and Millie cooked a fabulous meal for us and Grandma Miller. These two daughters are the most giving people I know... I'm so blessed.